
    Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

    Street Boxes from 1-May-2024 to 31-May-2024

    Matches to be played on or before 31-May-2024. 18 days remaining. Matches played: 0.

    Contact with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

    Box 1

    PositionName Level Log in for
    contact details
    RCGJJHMCMV Points 
    1Rob Cain1,190    0
    2Gavin Jones1,425    0
    3Jeff Haines1,213    0
    4Mark Chan1,247    0
    5Mark Vincent737    0

    Box 2

    PositionName Level Log in for
    contact details
    TMDVGHRHME Points 
    6Tim Miller1,495    0
    7Daniel Vincent2,724    0
    8Graham Hopkins1,007    0
    9Rich Herbert616    0
    10Martin Evans *1,084    0

    Box 3

    PositionName Level Log in for
    contact details
    EBSETCSH Points 
    11Eunice Bond1,056   0
    12Simon Evans *1,210   0
    13Taelor Cullen856   0
    14Stephen Harvey *TBD   0

    If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

    Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

     14Phil Linter TBD
     14Phil Clarke 929
     14Steven McCourt 1420
     14Stu Say 856
     14Terry Norman 1378
     14Steve Person 658

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